Sunday, October 31, 2010

2nd Fundraiser: Sausage Sale


  1. Hi Team,

    I just wanted to take this time to thank You all for joining me this year in the fight against diabetes. This was by far the largest team ever. I hope that you continue to join me in the future. The fight against diabetes is an on going battle and we must do what we can to stop it. With that being said, Team DeLeon raised a total of $1425 and came in Fifth Place in the Friends/Family Category. Way to Go Team DeLeon! Approximately $1000 of this was raised in less than two weeks. If we can accomplish this in such little time, I can only image what we can do if we took on the fight all year long! If anyone is interested in holding fundraisers throughout the year please let me know. All ideas are welcome. Remember, there is no way I could have done this alone and I felt honored and blessed to have all of you by my side. I Thank YOU again!

    Fred DeLeon

  2. If anyone still has any money to turn in, you still have until the end of this month to do so.

